Declaration of services
Declaration of services and complaints process
We are an independent community organization that serves the territories of Les Laurentides RCM and Les Pays-d’en-Haut RCM. Despite our geographic location, L’Ombre-Elle knows no borders and we provide accommodation for women in any territory who are fleeing domestic violence.

Our mission
- To offer temporary accommodation that’s both safe and free of charge as well as short-term assistance and support services for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence and coercive control to encourage them to reclaim their personal power.
- To offer an intervention framework with a feminist approach whose objective is to encourage the devictimization of women and children who have experienced domestic violence.
- To raise awareness and inform community members about domestic violence and coercive control and their impacts on women, children, their families and society in general.
- To use community action as a tool for social change.

Our services
Safe round-the-clock accommodation.
A 24/7 phone consultation service for victims, their
loved ones and professionals. -
Support with administrative, legal and immigration processes, etc.
Individual and group interventions.
Information and referrals to community resources.
Interventions and follow-up services for children and young people.
Post-accommodation follow-up.
External consultations and follow-up (for non-residents).
Support with drawing up safety plans.
Information, awareness and training sessions on domestic violence and coercive control.
Community-based prevention and awareness activities.
You have the right to…

Feel safe.

Dignity and respect for your physical and psychological integrity.

Be respected for your choices and thoughts.

Be informed.

Benefit from high-quality services.

Be consulted regarding decisions that affect you.

Receive confidential services.
This is why we undertake to:
Offer you a safe space.
Show you respect.
Take your characteristics, needs and constraints into account.
Avoid discrimination based on your ethnic origin, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age or psychological state.
Support you in your decision-making process.
Adapt the support to your boundaries and pace.
Be transparent in our dealings.
Work with you and support you with your process.
Inform you regarding house rules, available support resources and services offered.
Maintain a documentation management system to protect against the disclosure of personal information.
Share information that concerns you in your presence or with your consent or where there are concerns regarding your safety or the safety of your child.
Give you access to your file.

Procedure for filing and reviewing complaints
While the L’Ombre-Elle team makes every effort to offer a range of relevant and quality services, you may be dissatisfied with the services you receive. If this is the case, bear in mind that you have the right to express your dissatisfaction with complete confidence. For further information, read our “Your Rights” flyer.
How do I file a complaint
If you’re dissatisfied, you can send an email to L’Ombre-Elle’s representative, our General Manager. Alternatively, you can use the “Your Rights” flyer which is available on our website, in our accommodation and at our external services. Once you fill in the flyer, you can send it to us by mail or email. You’ll receive a confirmation of receipt within 3 business days. Please note that we handle all complaints within 10 to 30 business days.
You have the right to be informed so we’ll contact you once we’ve processed your complaint. We’ll ensure that you are heard and any information shared will remain confidential. In addition to helping us improve our services, this process may provide a solution.
Contact details for the person responsible
Myriam Tison, General Manager
Phone: 819-326-2235, extension 200
Address: P.O. Box 374, Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Québec J8C 3C6
If you’re not satisfied with how the L’Ombre-Elle representative handled your complaint, you can file a complaint with the local Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner. You may file your complaint over the phone, by email, in writing or in person.
Contact details
Phone: 450-432-8708/1866-822-0549/Fax: 450-431-8446
Address: Service Quality and Complaints Commission,
1000 Rue Labelle, Suite 210, Saint-Jérôme, Québec J7Z 5N6
You can be guided on the procedure to follow. You can also request assistance with the complaints filing process. Your complaint must include your name, address, telephone number and a summary of the reasons and facts related to your dissatisfaction. You will receive a confirmation of receipt.
Once the Commissioner receives your complaint, they have 45 days to review it. The entire process is confidential.
The Commissioner must inform you regarding their conclusions, their reasoning and any solutions they propose to meet your needs.

Confidentiality and protection of personal information
Person responsible for the protection of personal information:
L’Ombre-Elle complies with the Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information (Act 25). Therefore, we appointed a person to ensure the protection of personal information and ensure that everyone in the organization complies with and applies the Act.
At L’Ombre-Elle, Myriam Tison is the person responsible for the protection of personal information.
Myriam Tison, General Manager
P.O. Box 374
(Québec) J8C 3C6
819-326-2235 extension 200
PDF document Read our Confidentiality and Protection of Personal Information Policy.